5 Keys To Reaching Your Goals

Rebekka Lien


My  work position is lying on my couch with my legs over the arm of the couch.

1. Work backwards- 

Always work backwards. When I have an idea, I usually won’t follow through unless I give myself a set deadline, buy the flight ticket, set my intention into motion. I see the end result in my minds’ eye, I see myself in it…I guess it helps that I am an artist so imagining something is not difficult for me. I have always had a vivid imagination. When I was young, I often imagined myself jumping on things like a little mario character, I imagined I could fly. Well, due to gravity, that hasn’t happened yet, but I do often fly on planes and I love it!

It’s funny because after 3 years of trial and error, lots of shed tears, anxiety, stress at times and ups and downs, I’ve finally…

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